
Child of China’s south and north, textile and steel.

photo by Farland Photography

Xueyi Zhou was born and raised in Foshan, a city of manufacturing in Guangdong, China. Her fiction has appeared or is forthcoming in  AGNI, Guernica, Waxwing,  Southeast Review, Passages NorthChestnut Review, Atticus Review, Tahoma Lit Review, AAWW The Margins, Best Small Fictions 2022 and more. Her recent honors include a fiction longlist in Disquiet Prize 2024, a finalist in Black Warrior Review Flash Contest in both 2022 and 2023, a shortlist for the winter Oxford Flash Fiction Prize 2023, a Best of Net nomination for poetry, and more. Her poetry has appeared  in BOOTH (runner-up of 2022 Beyond the Margins Prize) and Frontier Poetry. Her writing has been supported by Lighthouse Writers Workshop and Kenyon Review Writers Workshop. She served as Editor at Witness for 2023-2024 and she is a Prose Reader at Chestnut Review. She holds an MFA in fiction from the Univeristy of Nevada, Las Vegas, and she is currently pursuing her PhD in Creative Writing at the University of Utah, where she has been awarded the Vice Presidential Fellowship. She is Associate Prose Editor at Quarterly West.